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Friday 14 January 2022

A cabernet with cheese fries? Americans happy to break wine "rules"

Americans can be easily confused. A considerable number of them still believe charlatan Donald Trump is the legitimate President of the United States.

It turn out that wine is also a difficult topic with 3/4 of Americans finding wine etiquette "intimidating" and 67% of respondents to a recent study believing that there are right and wrong ways to drink wine, Drinks Business reported.

The study conducted on behalf of Woodbridge Wines by OnePoll canvassed 2,000 US respondents aged 21 and older.

The poll found that over two-thirds think there are right and wrong ways to drink wine, while eight out of 10 respondents said they did not always follow the so-called “rules of wine”.

Just 17% swirl and sniff before they take a sip.

Seven out of 10 respondents said they drink wine more than any other type of alcohol over the winter, and, perhaps surprisingly, 62% of men and 50% of women said they would choose wine over beer while watching sports.

Fine dining is clearly not on the agenda of most of those polled. 

When asked about their favourite wine and food pairings, men preferred mac and cheese over other dishes (41%), while women opted for chicken wings (34%).

People in the colder north-east of the country (54%) prefer to add ice cubes to their wine - which makes no sense at all.

“Just like everything in life, there are so many old-school, traditional rules in wine culture that people feel they need to follow - swirling, sniffing, pairing,” said Serena Shrivastava, brand director for Woodbridge Wines, in a statement.

“We encourage everyone to play by their own rules instead and leave any judgement behind.
“We think there should only be one rule: enjoy wine your way - however, wherever, and whenever you want.

“Wine is for more than fancy occasions and fancy glasses. Don’t be afraid to drop an ice cube in your wine glass at home, grab a can of wine instead of a beer at a tailgate, or pair a cabernet with some delicious cheese fries at the ballpark. When you ‘wine your way,’ anything goes.”

Image: Phuong Nguyen,

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