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Saturday 4 December 2021

How to make your train journey green and huggable

It has never been more cool to be green. 

Businesses are constantly coming up with ideas to make themselves more eco-friendly than than their rivals.

A new train ticketing platform launched this week in Britain is promising to plant a tree for every booking, which it hopes will appeal to passengers who care about climate change. 

Trainhugger says it will use 50p out of each £1.50 booking fee to pay for a young tree, in partnership with the Royal Forestry Society and Royal Scottish Forestry Society, The Guardian reports.

The company – which offers the same fares as other rail sites – aims to match a UK Government target of planting 90-120 million trees a year

The website will sell the same UK routes and fares as other rail websites. 

Trainhugger’s founders believe they will be able to win enough business from rivals to make a considerable contribution towards combating climate change. They hope to plant 10 million trees by 2025.

“If rail gets back to where it was pre-pandemic - and Trainhugger sold 5% of those passenger journeys - that would be 90 million bookings or 90 million trees," said Felix Tanzer, who co-founded the company with Ed Caldecott.

Each 50p donation covers the price of a “whip”, a baby tree shoot smaller than a sapling, but the costs of the land, and planting and maintaining the tree are covered by members of the RFS. 

But surely that slogan should be" "Same price, more trees"?  

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