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Saturday 23 September 2023

Something different for wine lovers and collectors

Looking for something to jazz up your cellar or bar at home? 

Long-time wine industry professional Philip Meyer has just the thing. 

Meyer has collected some "wine bling" during his career, including many panel boards from wooden crates that contained highly collectible wines, including from from Bordeaux and Burgundy. 

So think Chateau Margaux, or maybe Bonneau Du Martray.

The range also includes box ends from leading wineries in Italy and Spain and prices start from $30.  
Meyer describes the wine box ends from around the world as "a little semi-retirement project".

Wine box ends are the original wine panels from wine crates made by high-end vineyards. They are also known as wine crate sides or wine face plates.

The ends are engraved with the winery’s logo and/or artwork and sometimes include the vintage year of the wine they housed.

Meyer says they are "perfect gifts for wine lovers, as art work, drawer fronts, a table top or wall hangings". 

Perfect, too, for anyone opening a wine bar. 

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