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Tuesday 8 February 2022

Homophobia runs rampant: Indian officials want GAY airport code changed

Oh dear India. 

Homophobes have outed themselves as a parliamentary panel called on the Indian Government to change the ‘GAY’ airport code for Gaya International Airport.

The Committee on Public Undertakings panel asked government officials to take up the issue with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), The Hindu newspaper reported.

As Gaya is a holy city, they deemed the code ‘inappropriate.’

"The Committee have their apprehension that Gaya being a holy city, locals might be finding it offensive or embarrassing on their city being recognised in the international community with the code name 'GAY'," these homophobes said. "The Committee too finds it inappropriate and unsuitable."

Alternative coded such as ‘YAG’ have been suggested.

Under IATA rules, there needs to be a "justifiable reason related to air safety" to authorise a change.

"The GAY code for Gaya has been in use since the operationalisation of this airport, therefore, without any justifiable reason primarily concerning air safety, IATA has expressed its inability to change the code of Gaya airport," the aviation ministry told the panel.

The north-eastern Indian city of Gaya is where the Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment. It is a popular destination for pilgrims.

It is not clear why the code has suddenly become as issue. Gaya airport has operated since 1936.

Local media reported committee members described the code as "offensive and embarrassing" - which they could also apply to themselves.

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