Book, stay, enjoy. That's

Saturday 20 April 2024

Where you must pay $12 just to have a vessel from which to enjoy your wine


A key element to enjoying fine wines is using quality stemware.

I know several wine lovers who take their own wine glasses to restaurants to ensure they get maximum pleasure from expensive bottles. Sometimes they will take glasses specific to the variety they will be drinking.

But if you are attending the Clare Valley Gourmet Week then you'll do as you are told.

You will buy a polymer wine tumbler made in the US for $12 and use it. Or else. That $12 is on top of your entry fee, of course.  

Want to bring the wine glass you purchased at last year's event? Sorry. No go. Off with your head.
The organisers of Australia's longest-running wine and food festival - celebrating 40 years - this week proudly announced "your passport to the Festival - 2024 Official Gourmet Glassware".

They added: "We're excited to announce our brand-new GoVino Gourmet Glasses, which are durable, shatterproof, eco-friendly, and dishwasher safe! These are available to purchase for $12 at all festival venues (marked on the program) and will be used to serve your wine. Pick up at your first stop and enjoy at events throughout the week.

"Please be aware that due to this exciting change, last year's glasses will not be accepted at any venue."

That's telling them. Hospitality at its finest.

You WILL use an imported glass that is not made from glass. You WILL pay $12 for it even though it can be purchased on line and in retail outlets for far less. You WILL enjoy drinking from a tumbler rather than stemware.

I've asked the organisers for their comments/Whether this is a commercially driven decision or not. I'll let you know. 

# Two very high profile Clare Valley producers have made contact to say they will be ignoring the directive and using their own high-quality stemware for their tastings during the event. “A quality focus is important”. 

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