Thursday 8 September 2016

Travel reading that guarantees fun, laughter, anger and amazement

Looking for some travel reading that is guaranteed to cause both laughter and anger, along with enlightenment and amazement? 

Look no further than the letters to the editor column of the Hobart Mercury, a daily newspaper in Tasmania that is part of Rupert Murdoch's stable of excellence.

The average letter writer to the Mercury appears to be retired, bigoted, somewhere to the right of the Klu Klux Klan politically and lacking in even basic logic.

Today, September 8, offers a sparkling example of the wit and wisdom of Mercury readers, who are incensed by the possible legalisation of same-sex marriage, and annoyed by reported sightings of the long-extinct thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger. Here are a few highlights to whet your appetite for future reading pleasure. 

Margaret James is one of many readers of this august journal who hates the thought of same-sex marriage being approved, writing: "Christians do not hate same-sex couples, we simply dislike sexual relations between same-sex couples" and urges "stop trying to change the laws of right and wrong". 

John T. Harding has similar concerns. "It bothers me, with the state of the world today, on the brink of World War III, that our leaders are putting marriage equality at the top of their list of priorities," he writes. 

Michael Watts is adamant that the Bible's teachings are "based on the fact that people are born male (XY chromosomes) and or female (XX) and that the human body is heterosexual in design and function". 

As to the recent thylacine "sighting", Robert Rodway has logic on his side. "Tigers are found in decreasing numbers throughout Asia, there are none anywhere in Tasmania, which leaves no doubt the thylacine is well and truly extinct".

Wayne McDonald is angered by it all. He writes: "We are not that naive to fulfill the dreams of nitwits and freaks asserting they saw a possible UFO, a Loch Ness Monster or Tasmanian Tiger, for that matter." 

No attacks on the Greens or refugees today, but they may do better tomorrow. 

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